Friday, April 30, 2010

dah Seminggu...

hahaha..(what's so funny?..)'s already been a week since the last test..(the sheet exam)..still got nothing to post though
entah la..idea takde lagi buat masa the way, I still have some problem..which is..sticking to the schedule..hmm..jadual dah OK dah, cuma susah pulak nak ikut..

pape pun benda ni takleh diteruskan minggu depan..kena berubah~!..
kalau tak susah nanti..nak jawap ape dengan mak abah..tu baru mak abah..
kelak, Allah tanya pulak..

" What did you do with your leisure time that I'd gave you?."..

ya Allah..lagi seram..berapa sangat la waktu which I remembered Him, not even sedetik kot..

well, that aside...minggu depan mesti berubah!..insyaAllah..


ke arah yg lebih baik... ;)

p/s: yesterday a saw something very nice, insyaAllah I'll have a new label soon..