Friday, December 31, 2010


Gambar hiasan. ni bukan Chemong

baru-baru ni byk memori yg kembali menerobos masuk ke dlm minda ni (ayat mahal tuh..hehe).
salah satu yg masih buat sy terfikir ialah kisah sahabat sepondok ustaz sy (sy tak masuk sekolah pondok..)

sahabat beliau amat mantap study-nya, rajin pulak tu bangun tgh-tgh malam bukak kitab. yg menemani sahabat tu cuma pelita minyak tanah je, yg terkadang jelas, terkadang malap.
kitab yg dibacanya bukan mcm buku medic ni, kitab-kitab tu just tulisan menjela-jela (kebanyakan kita, including me akan tertekan kalo dapat buku teks yg ade ayat selonggok dalam 1 page tanpa gambar..haha). kalau mengantuk..dia cuma akan rehat sekejap, kepala beralaskan kelapa (kalau tak silap saya). bila kelapa bergolek je, kepala dia pn jatuh dan beliau pn terjaga. kemudian sambung study. It's just plain MANTAP.

jadi tu yg sy ter-reflex, kalo bakal tabib rohani pn study hard, takkan bakal tabib jasad nak bersenang-senang?..padahal masing-masing tak kurang pentingnya dlm masyarakat.

jd, start mlm tadi sy pn dah tak tido atas katil..gara-gara teringat kisah yg 1 ni..hehe
tiba-tiba semangat membuak-buak. alhamdulillah. harap hati ni kekal mcm ni.

esok dah nak deactivate facebook.
Selamat Tahun Baru & Selamat Berehat FBku..
sy nak setia dgn midterm pulak.

till next time
ciao :)

p/s: haritu skype-ing dgn family, mak cakap Chemong demam lagi. macam takde harapan katanya. risau. mintak-mintak la dia masih kuat, syg woo..penat bawak dr Tanjung Karang ke Selayang. syg bukan main walaupun dia cuma kucing terbiar..huhu

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Terbaik~ (dan bukannya sebab salji)

there are no two identical snowflakes, each of them is unique.
Just like our fingerprint.
subhanAllah :)


berkat kesabaran & ulang-alik ke gamaah, akhirnya bantuan telah tiba untuk Pharma!

Dr yg telah merelakan dirinya untuk bangun awal di pagi hari untuk mengajarkan Pharma bukan calang-calang, dia terbaik dari ladang! (harap-harap dia terus rela mengajar).

mmg berbaloi la menapak pagi-pagi winter ni untuk menuntut dkt Dr tu..
sebelum terlupa, Dr Abdul Manal namanya.. :)

dia kadang-kadang ade je jumpa dgn student Malaysia, tp sekadar nak bagi announcement. Tapi tak sangka skali dibukak mulutnya, terdiam..bukan sebab tak paham, sebab tertarik dgn CVS. syukur sgt dgn bantuan drNya :)

malangnya, Dr sempat mengajar lbeh kurang sejam, sbb ade group praktikal yg belum buat test.
minggu dpn jela nampaknya..hehe

Papepun, I'm lookin' foward to the next class, 
for a chance to fill up my defects, in Pharma.

the Mid term is near, so throw away all your weight (saratoga and other irrelevent stuff..haha). It's time to take your body and might to the books on the tabletop

till next time,
ciao ;)

p/s: winter semakin surut (buat masa ni..), tapi bagus jgak sbb kalo sy rsa tak berbaloi sejuk kalo takde snowflakes..hehe

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Writer's Block

winter's writer's block kembali lagi..

meaning dlm masa terdekat (atau jauh) sy takkan mampu menulis lagi. Ni semua gara-gara ketiadaan internet (lebih kurang seminggu).

pagi tadi ada test Pharma lagi, for the 2nd time & masih lagi tak mampu jawap dgn puas hati. Risau jugak, lebih kurang sebulan lagi dah mid-term exam. mintak-mintak dimurahkan rezeki dengan akal yg sihat supaya sebulan ni sy dapat gunakan untuk master semua subjek (amiiin).

sebagai ketua batch, terasa jugak beban extra (yelah, dah jadi leader kan, kenalah tunjuk contoh terbaik kat anak-anak buah. kalo corot exam mesti orang dah tak respect dah). Jadi buat masa ni, sy cuba untuk menggunakan malam winter yg extra panjang ni untuk study. Tapi bila nama pn dah winter mestilah sejuk kan, jadi memang kalau nak consistent study susah (Nilah bukti yg makhluk tak sempurna, ada kelemahan & kelebihan).

Jadi untuk yg masih leka dengan masa yg panjang, be cautious.
(Waktu untuk umat akhir zaman ni singkat-singkat je kalau perasan. Kalau leka kita yg naya)

Ok, da banyak menaip malam ni, taktau nape tgh-tgh malam ni segar pulak nak menaip...hehe
till next time,
ciao ;)

p/s: ade kawan tag sy kat gambar Bii (pet cat). ter-rindu kat Malaysia pulak. ape khabar Chemong agaknya.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

a Comeback..

after the pharmacology's test, I see a lot of problems with my method.
Alhamdulillah, because of the exam I now know how to put myself into that subject.
this week is the 'lag state' of my studies; which mean I'm planning for a comeback for pharmacology (trying to boost myself here. wanna be like the others).

so up until now, I didn't do much.
and insyaAllah next week is the mark II of my study (pengaruh citer Ironman..ber'mark-mark' la lepas ni XD).
so I'm hoping by next week, all my ideas will be materialized.

oh..before I forgot, sorry guys kalo banyak marah-marah (hehehe..kalo korang baca blog ni la)
hehe..minggu ni mood tak stabil, maybe due to the pharmacology's test.

by the way, the day after tomorrow is the election day!
I'm so excited. meriah kot tahun ni. It's been a while since the last time I saw this breathtaking phenomena.

May the best man win!

ciao :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Demam Pilihan Raya Mansurah

skarang ni rata-rata students tgh demam pilihan raya (housemate sy pn tgh demam.. :P ), masing-masing sibuk dengan hujah-hujah mantap untuk menaikkan 'market' calon-calon tersebut. ym sy, fb sy mcm dah kena spam (kawan-kawan suma pakat taknak bukak ym..hahaha). mujur skype masih bersih dari msg-msg foward ni.

sy takde hujah, dan sy tak mengenali calon-calon sebaik mereka. jadi sy tak layak kot untuk berkata apepun. maka, sy pun mcm ditimpa dilemma gara-gara golongan yg ini dgn ini & golongan yg itu dgn itu. sy taktau nak pilih sape, A ke B (Azizi ke Bullet) ?

insyaAllah bila tiba waktu nanti, doa-doa..
moga pemimpin pilihan ni menjadi yg terbaik bagi umat Mansurah untuk penggal ni.
untuk yg bakal mengundi, tanggungjawab kita berat. silap pilih kita yg naya,
so jom buat solat istikharah dulu! :)

p/s: dah lama tak buat istikharah, tu yg hidup agak huru-hara tu...aish~

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boleh ke?

dulu wktu baru-baru msuk matrix (minggu orentasi), lecturer yg handle kami salu bpesan, "skarang ni kamu dok dalam matrix, ape je result SPM kamu tinggalkn kat luar pagar tu. Mulai harini kita semua sama."

baru ni, tpikir nak aplikasikan idea yg sama tp untuk situasi brlainan..
pape cuma harapan, taktau bila dpt dbuat.

dlm masjid @ musolla, member bckp mngenai hal dunia. then, sy pn diajak bsembang sama. then sy pn ckp,
"sorry weh, aku da tinggalkn urusan dunia before aku masuk tadi"

bila agaknya sy mmpu berbuat bgitu?
sy akan cuba insyaAllah.

sekian :)

p/s: ni entry baru; "Harapan"

Friday, November 12, 2010


cuti-cuti ni ade jugak aktiviti yang boleh dibuat. takde la dok depan laptop je. O2 ke otak pun kurang.
harini dapat la menapak ke istad, ade invitation untuk main bola tampar. senorok giler best..

minggu lepas sakit-sakit tangan main (non pitting edema siap lengan nih), alhamdulillah ok pulak minggu ni, siap boleh bertahan 2 jam tuh..(eh, 1 jam stengah je sbab smpai lambat..haha)

esok budak-budak tu ajak lagi (kalo tak silap ar..), insyaAllah sy akan turun padang lg..biar cergas sikit badan ni, tak kisah la byk penyakit pun..biar EQ yang mengawal vitality ni..insyaAllah. kalo nak pikir sakit je, lama-lama memang down jugak. tapi tak guna la nak down sebab orang lain bukan nak tunggu pn, mereka akan tetap maju ke hadapan. jadi sy takleh la menunjukkan kelemahan sy.

ok la, till next time,
chill :)

p/s: badan sihat, minda sihat, hati sihat, insyaAllah ibadah pun sihat..

Thursday, November 11, 2010


setelah berkelas lebih kurang sebulan, akhirnya student-student Mansoura University diberikan rehat seminggu bersempena Eid Adha. Alhamdulillah, dapat rehat.

dapatlah sy berhenti skejap dari jadi ketua batch. kalo ade sape-sape yg sibuk nak carik sy nanti, tumbuk je ah. senang (garang nih.. XD ). yang bagusnya cuti ni, boleh lah meluangkan masa lebih dengan family (..hahahaha..).

ingat nak study lah cuti ni. sbb sy rasa mcm da trcicir byk je dari orang lain. aish~
doakn sy lepas lagi tahun ni :)
kalo tak lepas..tak pasti lg sy dpt sambung blajar kt sini....

till next time, chill~

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hari Yang Memenatkan

penat..penat..hari ni memang penat betul

malam tadi ngade gi main volleyball pulak kan, padahal da dekat 6 bulan tak usik mende alah tu. tapi ape boleh buat bila kita dah addict dengan something je la main..sepatutnya kena bincang dengan cik vice untuk meeting esok (harini la maksudnya). Nasib baik tak disastrous meeting tadi alhamdulillah.

lega la 1st meeting quite ok. suma AJK-AJK dah kenal pair masing-masing (aish..pair..bahaya ayat ni).
suma pun dah bagi idea masing-masing, kiranya so far saya jadi ketua tak bermasalah la kat batch ni..hehehe

alhamdulillah Allah masih meminjamkan kekuatan untuk saya memikul amanah nih..

dalam 10 hari lagi tambah tolak, kita suma akan merayakan Eid Adha. Selamat Hari Raya!
kalo kat sini memang meriah la.
alhamdulillah nama saya naik untuk melapah haiwan korban. dalam hati memang rasa bertuah dipilih di kalangan hamba Allah untuk belaja di sini. even pada mulanya macam penyeksaan berada di negara orang..tapi banyak pengajaran yang saya dapat di bumi Mesir ini. tak rugi!

ok then, till next time :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Quote of the day

Stop looking in the past,
time moves faster each time you look at it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


sorang lg housemate dah dapat scholarship, jadi skarang ni 2 JPA, 1 MARA..
sy pn masih mnanti dgn penuh sabar..menunggu ketibaan surat dari MARA..
orang cakap MARA antar surat slow-slow..tapi saya taktau la slow-slow tu mcmna, maybe dorang gerak slow motion kot..hahaha

takpe ar, ade reziki ade la tu lompang mana-mana untuk sy..hehehe
pape pn mesti terus act tough and tougher than the others, sebab sy dah jadi ketua batch..wuuu~

nak taknak mesti kena buat yg terbaik sbb orang da bagi kepercayaan kt sy..
moga Allah trus memberikan kekuatan untuk bertahan dek bulian kanak-kanak batch & senior-senior (kanak-kanak tu..konon dah matang ar nih..hehe)

bila dah jd ketua batch ni memang kadang-kadang tak cukup rehat, blog yg terbengkalai ni akan terus terbengkalai lah jawapnya (nasib baik konco-konco tak ramai..haha)

ok la, till next time :)

Monday, September 27, 2010


alhamdulillah keluarga sy dimurahkan rezki lagi dgn anak..
4 semuanya..comel-comel semuanya :)

keempat-empat mereka dilahirkan pada hari yang sama..beberapa minggu sebelum ketibaan baru sekarang dpt jmpa anak-anak tu..sbb mak dia dok jaoh dr keluarga kami..

sy nak selitkan gambar, malangnya handphone sy sudah rosak akibat peristiwa setahun lalu (rujuk sini; N73 ku sayang), insyaAllah kalo tepon tu behave ade la kot gambarnya

tp..dah tak lama dah sebelum sy kembali berjuang, nampaknya tak smpat la nak tengok baby-baby tu membesar..sedih jugak la ( yela..dah tidur sama-sama kn )

balik-balik nnti,  dah besar dah anak-anak tu...tu la anak kucing namanya

ok..hujan pun dah melabuh ke nak g ambik berkat dulu...sekian

p/s: dari 12 menurun kepada 6, kemudian ditambah 4 smula & import 1 dari rumah nenek...meriah betul family :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

update update...

da lama tak update blog sndiri..agak buzy sejak balik Malaysia ni..biasa rindu sangat, tu yg masing-masing nak amik chance untuk meluangkan masa dgn saya (yeye je..haha)

insyaAllah esok lusa balik kampung, 1 kat Jalan Jepun 1 lg kat Parit 17...( 1 kat Selangor, 1 kat Perak)

tapi mcm tahun sebelum-sebelumnya, raya tahun ni simple je...sejak Atuk meninggal, suasana raya memang dah tak sama mcm dulu..kalo dulu, memang 2 bln tu best la...Atuk mmg pndai isi masa untuk cucu-cucu dia..memang 2 bulan tu (Ramadhan and Syawal) antara bulan yang best la kalo nak balik kpg :)

bila hujung Ramadhan camni, memang selalu ter-flashback kenangan waktu kecik-kecik...mcm hari ni la jugak..
ok, that's for today..saje nak update blog..
hope to meet again with Ramadhan..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

nak balik dah~

 gambar hiasan je. tak dpt ah nak naik yg ini..hehe

tak lama lg nak kembali mnjejakkn kaki ke tak rasa excited pn..taktau knape..maybe sbb ramai lg kawan-kawan yang sangkut..

aish..sedih nak tinggalkn mereka (ayat drama la plak)....blajar sama-sama..kalo bole nak balik sama-sama jgak..mcm tahun lpas..hehehe

hmm..moga Allah permudahkn urusan dorang..dpt temankn sy tahun dpn (rintihan hati plak..)

moga Allah mringankn tulang yg berat..
menggerakkn jari yg malas..
menggerakkn akal yg lembap..
menerangkan hati yg kelam..
amiin ya Rabb
ssungguhnya manusia ni serba kekurangan & pada msa yg sama penuh kelalaian

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dr. Cinta..

alhamdulillah..arini Allah gerakkan lagi ati ini ntuk berblogging :)
pagi ni pasal Dr Cinta, ni gara-gara malam tadi la jadi Dr Cinta ntuk seorang kwn..haha
dah lama dah tak jadi Dr Cinta, sebab tak ramai yang sudi kongsi masalah cinta ni..
pape pun bukan nak crita pasal kisah mlm tadi, cuma bila berbincang-bincang dgn kwn mlm tu...tiba-tiba hati sy tgerak pulak ntuk menyingkap kisah silam sy..
dari kisah silam ni la kemudiannya sy dpt bantu kwn-kwn yg putus cinta..

sy mula tertarik dgn gender berlawanan sejak darjah 6, tapi waktu tu blum berpucuk lagi ape yang kita gelarkn 'cinta' mula tercinta (bak kata org puteh first love) wktu form 5..waktu tu memang sy couple..cuma disebabkan sy duduk kat skolah berasrama penuh..peraturan dia ketat, so kami just berutus surat, letak kat laci meja masing-masing...hahaha..jangan tiru pulak..just nak crita je ni..

kemudian Allah tunjukkn kasih sygNya..dia pn jauhkn pmpuan itu dari sy, meaning sy dgn dia trputus gara-gara trikutkn hati yg berulamkn nafsu, sy tak nmpk rahmat yg Allah da beri tu..jadinya frust la mamat ni (sy la tu..hehe)..mmg betul org kata, putus cinta pertama tu amat mnyakitkan jiwa, tapi kalo kta pk btul-btul balik, trputus dari Allah lebih perit lg..maha perit

based on pngalaman sy bercinta (poyo jer), ade la beberape sbb yg mnyebabkan susah nak lupakn individu yg kononnya disayang-sayang tu..

  • niat kita dah berubah(cth: belajar, bekerja), off track dari matlamat asal kita, matlamat hanya ke arah kepuasan nafsu
  • mulut & hati kerap berzikir ke atas individu tu, jd sbb tu amat susah nak lupakn individu itu...(kalo perhati kezaliman sorg hamba thadap Tuhannya)
  • syaitan da basuh hati kita...jadi kita rasa kita btul, rasa ape yg berlaku tu tak ptut berlaku
  • tersalah faham dgn konsep cinta itu sendiri, buat interpretation sndiri mngenai cinta...(kalau betul la cinta tu krn Allah, maka kalo tak dpt terima kalo dpt pn terima....sbb dah bserah dgn ketentuanNya)
  • jealous dgn org yg bahagia dgn maksiat..tu yg susah sgt nak lepas-lepas tu je kot nak share..skadar berkongsi pengalaman..kalo ade nak tambah gtau la ye..kalo anda lebih arif lg..btul-btul kn la ye..pengalaman sy ni sikit je
    kalo nak tau cinta yg sbenar-benarnya cinta..g rujuk alim ulama berdekatan..
    ashan ana mish 'arif ;D


    Friday, August 6, 2010

    I cannot stand the boredom anymore..

    just have to stand 6 days more..and I'll be off to Malaysia

    dah lma tak post kt sni..da berkulat dah blog ni..kalo tumbuh cendawan, dah bole makan..
    bukan taknak update, tapi smpai la skang ni otak ni dan mood ini msih bukan untuk memblog..
    harini pn takde nak cakap ape sgt, just nak buang sawang-sawang kt sni..hehe

    insyaAllah ade rezki, ade ilham blog ni akn diupdate (dulu nak-nak exam sibuk nak update, lo ni da abis exam takde plak nak update..ish3)

    Sunday, June 6, 2010

    baru nak bersangka baik

    hmm..dok Mesir ni memang susah nak jumpa orang tempatan yang boleh dipercayai..

    mula ingatkan baba tak naikkan sewa rumah, jadi saya pun takde la pikir nak cari rumah...tiba-tiba last minute dia gitau yang sewa naik..200 l.e pulak kadar kenaikan tu..

    dalam suasana exam fever ni, memang kami tak mampu menolak..terpaksa la terima untuk setahun lagi..
    sabar je la dengan orang tua ni..bila dah nampak duit, macam-macam cerita dia nak reka..
    nampaknya taun depan kena berjimat cermat la, nak pergi shopping pun kena pikir 1001 kali..

    so, tu je entry untuk kali ni..jadi doakan saya dan rakan-rakan najjah..1st exam 12hb ni
    kalo boleh taun ni balik malaysia lg..hehehe

    Friday, June 4, 2010

    Please Continue Boycotting...

    • AOL Time Warner
    • Apax Partners & Co Ltd
    • Coca-Cola
    • Danone
    • Delta Galil
    • Disney
    • Estee Launder
    • IBM
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Kimberly-Clark
    • Lewis Trust Group Ltd
    • L'Oreal
    • Marks & Spencer
    • Nestle
    • News Corporation
    • Nokia
    • Revlon
    • Sara Lee
    • Selfridges
    • The Limited Inc
    • Home Depot 
    • Intel
    • Starbucks
    • Timberland
    • Mc Donald's
    • Arsenal FC

    Monday, May 31, 2010

    2 Syahid, 30 injured

    subuh tadi saya diserikan dengan pelbagai id di ym, masing-masing meng-foward 1 berita yang menyayat hati

    "2 Syahid, 30 cedera diserang tentera Israel"

    here's a news about the current situation of the humanitarian convoy (language: Turkish);

    IHH Insani Yardim Vakfi

    for more updates on the humanitarian convoy as well as the Lifeline 4 Gaza, visit:

    Viva Palestina

    Lifeline 4 Gaza

    Lifeline 4 Gaza on Twitter

    let's pray and hope that the 2 that were syahid will be placed among the best places in the afterlife.
    let's pray that the remain will move on stronger, fiercer.

    Sunday, May 30, 2010

    1 Sha'ah terkunci dari luar...

    malam tadi tah macam mana tah ade la makhluk Allah ni cubatrytest gate condo kami yang baru ni, padahal baba belum bagi lagi kuncinya.

    tanggal malam Sabtu, 29 May 2010..terperangkap la kami 1 sha'ah di luar premis kami (premis tuh..hoho), selama beberapa minit sehingga la baba datang menyelamatkan keadaan. alhamdulillah, malam itu cepat baba balik dari masjid.

    sebelum ketibaan pihak berkuasa yang mengiringi kunci (baba sorang je waktu tu..), suasana yang agak panik menyelubungi tempat kejadian, masing-masing risau kalau-kalau baba pun tertinggal kunci. yang masih tertinggal dalam premis tersebut cuma isteri baba dan isteri jiran kami, anak perempuan dorang & budak-budak.

    suspek kejadian masih belum dikenal pasti, dipercayai terlalu eager untuk mencuba keteguhan gate itu. kejadian itu tamat dengan muka happy semua mangsa, diiringi perkataan 'faddal' (suro kami masuk dulu la tu..hehehe).

    dengan keteguhan gate yg ditunjukkan malam tadi, moga Allah mengekalkan sifatnya itu agar premis ini bebas dari harami ;)

    p/s: kunci suda berada di tangan, tengah excited nak main bukak tutup gate tu. dengan penambah baikkan pengawalan keselamatan, lepas ni sape-sape nak mai ziarah kna x-ray scan dulu, dengan bawak passport.. XD

    p/p/s: excited nak makan kat Sultana, da lma tak makan nasi ayam panggang situ. nak ajak Anas pi dating tapi taktau bila, kami dok kenyang ja...hahaha~

    Saturday, May 29, 2010

    Our Aim Is to Raise The Standard of Education

    ni lah perkataan yang baba kerap kali ungkapkan sepanjang petang tatkala melepak dengannya sambil memerhatikan ammu 'pomen' me-welding gate yang baru untuk condo kepunyaan baba kami.

    entah ape tah yang syok sangat ayat tu baginya. bukan setakat terngiang2 di petang itu, time nak tido pun masih teringat lagi kepelatan baba melafazkan kata-kata keramatnya itu. mungkin baba ni terpengaruh dengan anak perempuannya (baru semalam tau yang baba ni ade anak perempuan; student taun 5 perubatan MU..padahal dah sewa umah dia dekat 1 taun).

    petang itu baba amat peramah (bukan petang tu je, sepanjang pengenalan kami dengannya dia memang ramah pun..alhamdulillah..;) )..sory la takde gambar sebab tak bawak kamera mcm sesetengah orang tu~

    semalam dengan izinNya, dapat bermesra dengan baba banyak kali...

    pagi tu complain kt baba, kepala pili paip kepala paip pili je la,
    bersempena dengan hari kerosakan tu ialah ari jumaat di mana takde kedai yang bukak, lebih-lebih lagi kedai accessory hardware..

    kebetulan pagi tu dia nak ke kedai aish (roti arab)..pabila aku dengar je rentak langkahnya turun ke bawah,  aku pn cekup dia. tu la permulaan hari mesra kami.

    petang tu macam-macam kami sembang, petang tu baru la kenal sape orang tua ni sebenarnya..mula-mula nak masuk dulu je 'cengey', sekarang ni memang terbaek alhamdulillah..(dalam ati berdoa-doa moga sewa takan naik smpai bila-bila)

    dalam banyak isu yang kami bincangkan, saya pun tanya la pasal pencuri..ingatkan area yang busy dan densely populated (Syari' Aqal je pun) ni takde la orang ambik kesempatan, rupanya ade jugak. baba sudah kehilangan 2 dapur gas yang diletakkan di loteng rumahnya (tengok, kuat tak kuat depa ni) tapi muka baba rilex je, tak tensen pun barang dia kena curik. dalam ati ni penuh rasa respect melihat baba yg betul-betul redah dan redha dgn takdirnya (dengan harapan aku pun mampu begitu kelak..)

    terkejut dengan kes kecurian itu, timbul rasa bersyukur umah ni tak dipecah masuk. kalo digodek-godek pintu ni mau terbukak jugak..huuu~
    mungkin berkat petua mak untuk membaca ayat 9 dari surah Yasiin, dan pesan ustaz untuk memulakan setiap sesuatu dengan bismillah (bukan dalam waktu sukar je ye ;) ), maka ati pencuri tu tak terbukak untuk menjengah ke mari.

    sambil-sambil tu kedengaran macam-macam lafaz memuji Ilahi darinya, sehingga la gate baru tu siap..
    hehehe..itulah baba kami Gabbar Mohamed Gabbar, landlord condo ni..

    p/s: pengalaman tak ternilai semalam, jadi penolong pomen..kena sambung wayar dari umah, naked wire plak tu, baru nak cucuk dlm socket dah mencurah-curah adrenalin. mujur tak kena shock

    Saturday, May 22, 2010

    volley volley ping pong tennis..

    hehehe..main bedal je tajuk kali ni...I think (and therefore I am.. :P) that among others, only those 3 are best suited to my ability..

    In coherent to the midst of the exam fever, I just want to promote all to rev up our body~

    the closer to the exam the more needs to exercise; the exam for 2nd year Conventional program starts 12 June yang kat Malaysia tu, happy holiday & if ade yang ambik short semester, have fun okay..

    well, back to the topic of exam and exercise (ececeh..macam nak buat talk je)..
    as we all know...we are fully dependent to our brain, especially during this period of time..

    thinking, expressing ideas, solving problem etc etc...
    all these processes and need energy, and the resulting are waste product a.k.a metabolites..
    that's why after facing books (not facebook okay...) for several hours, we feel tepu..

    so that's why we need exercise.
    the advantage behind exercise are

    • replenish oxygen supply to our brain..fresh lagi tu~!
    • strengthen the heart, the stronger the heart, the more the blood that can reach to the brain
    • washes away metabolites, or even microbes
    • reestablishes your moods
    • improve your brain responses & coordination 
    • the easier way to lose weight without the needs to refrain self  from eating 

      well..simple as it is...
      jom exercise :)

      p/s: main betul-betul, study pun betul-betul

        Thursday, May 20, 2010

        Quote of the day

        Defeat is never a destiny,
        but some of us prefer to choose it rather than looking on the bright side of life

        Tuesday, May 18, 2010

        sorry guys..

        sorry guys dah lama tak update (if ade yang baca la blog ni)...hmm..
        actually I have something to post here..another entry under 'geology' label..but um..tu la..dengan exam yang makin dekat..kena cuba la sedaya upaya nak mentelaah ni..

        btw..minggu ni revise Anatomy..which was once my favourite but not anymore..I don't know why...haha.. but insyaAllah during this whole week I'll learn to love it again..amiiin

        p/s: do please doakan saya supaya menjadi lebih rajin~

        Sunday, May 2, 2010

        a bit terkilan~

        want to know why?
        I really really hoped the lava ashes from the eruption in Iceland to reach here..hehehe
        and was so eager to get some sample on that predicted day; Wednesday, 28 April 2010..(actually I don't really know how to obtain those sample..haha)..

        siap dah search kat Google dah pasal lava ashes ni..ya Allah, lawa giler serpihan tu kalo tengok from tulah punca utama curiosity ni..lagipun, it's been a while since I saw something that worthy of my interest..hahaha

        here's a picture of the lava ash dari tempat kejadian
        cantik kn?..sizing about 30 micron
        bole tengok pakai light microscope~!

        and F.Y.I, here is some contents of lava ashes that we're all afraid of:
        • water vapor
        • carbon dioxide, CO2
        • sulfur dioxide, SO2
        • hydrochloric acid, HCl
        • hydrogen fluoride, HF
        • hydrogen sulfide, H2F
        • carbon monoxide, CO
        • hydrogen, H2
        • methane, CH4
        • SiF4
        • CaF2

        *high concentration of these gases lead to acid rain
        *high concentration of CaF2 can burn vegetation and other materials in contact
        *fluoride and chloride can contaminate water, can be irritating, can be damaging to clothes and machinery

        harmful concentration of these gases never exceed further than 10km from the volcano..alhamdulillah...

        okay, enough mumbling..back to books :)

        p/s: maybe I should take geology too~ :P

        Friday, April 30, 2010

        Quote of the day

        time waits for no man,
        chase it..
        or one day you might regret your past for letting it go

        p/s: I know this sounds familiar, tapi nak cakap jugak! ...demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu kerugian~

        dah Seminggu...

        hahaha..(what's so funny?..)'s already been a week since the last test..(the sheet exam)..still got nothing to post though
        entah la..idea takde lagi buat masa the way, I still have some problem..which is..sticking to the schedule..hmm..jadual dah OK dah, cuma susah pulak nak ikut..

        pape pun benda ni takleh diteruskan minggu depan..kena berubah~!..
        kalau tak susah nanti..nak jawap ape dengan mak abah..tu baru mak abah..
        kelak, Allah tanya pulak..

        " What did you do with your leisure time that I'd gave you?."..

        ya Allah..lagi seram..berapa sangat la waktu which I remembered Him, not even sedetik kot..

        well, that aside...minggu depan mesti berubah!..insyaAllah..


        ke arah yg lebih baik... ;)

        p/s: yesterday a saw something very nice, insyaAllah I'll have a new label soon..

        Sunday, April 25, 2010

        how to change Glycerol to Alanine?..

        hehehe...I just got a question from a friend of I decided to post it.. answer this problem..
        1st, change the glycerol into both of the ways..

        1st way:
        is by Glucose-alanine cycle
        ( your text book...)

        Pyruvic acid + Glutamic acid <---------------> Alanine + alpha-Ketoglutarate

        2nd way:
        (...refer serine metabolism...)

        3-phosphoglyceric acid-------------->Serine---------->Pyruvate------(seperti di atas)---->Alanine

        ok..I think that's 2 ways of converting glycerol to alanine..if you have more method to add..feel free to share :)

        Thursday, April 22, 2010


        2 days already since the end of practical exam and I'm still unable (well..purposely un-enabling myself) to do anything..

        is this the counter effect of studying late at night or am I really just plain lazy to begin with?..

        ok..that's it...arini more slacking off, lusa kan ade sheet biochem and physio..ingat senang ke..
        gotta to pick up my missing pieces...

        let's start sheet-ting! (this word feels a little awkward..seriously..)

        Wednesday, April 21, 2010

        Quote of the day

        Start tomorrow today,
        because you'll never know if you're gonna make it out untill tomorrow

        p/s: orang yang paling pandai ialah orang yang selalu mengingati mati


        so far so good...even with a few mistakes..I'm still glad that it went out okay.. :D

        but I still don't have anything in mind..
        so ini je kot hari ni..
        bittaufiq wanajjah ntuk comrades yang masih berjuang..moga terus teguh semangat.. :)
        ok..until next time~

        Quote of the day

        to be the best is not by leaving the rest,
        but leading the rest along with you

        Tuesday, April 20, 2010

        It's finally stop, Biochemistry....
's almost over..but hey, this is only the end of a beginning..
        so stop being so comfortable..

        it's been a while since my last post..and tomorrow's exam will be started a bit later, so I guess there's a lot time to kill in here..hehe

        alhamdulillah..Allah helped a lot in a whole bunch of ways..and I don't regret to say that I'm's Him who are always being there to support me..seriously I didn't expect this to run smoothly..and without Him saying "Yes, Be it"...I'm sure that I'll be damned till the end of the exam..

        so I guess..there is no need to be need to feel you are above the others...

        this is just a remembrance for myself..

        that's all for now,
        I hope for the essay exams next month, I'll put my study schedule to good use insyaAllah... :)

        p/s: I'm really afraid that I might somehow change my 'Nawaitu' during this exam...

        Saturday, April 17, 2010

        Dub Dab Dub Dab-ing~..

        this is it..the final night before I enter the 2nd wave of this war..the practical exam..and tomorrow

        some of my dearest doctors said in this year, the practical is easier than the 1st year..well, everything is easy when you are well prepared for it..

        ya's hard especially I'm really weak at math..seriously..
        I don't know what's gonna happen with these equation thingies.. 
        so guy, please send me a lot of lucks~..haha just kidding..I need your prayers so that I can somehow manage to get through this..

        Quote of the day

        live to give, don't live to beg,
        live to be honest, don't live to deceit,
        live with dignity, even in poverty......

        p/s: Allah memandang bukan pada harta, pangkat, atau keturunan, tetapi pada amalan..amalan pulak kena ikhlas, kalau tak sia-sia & cuma mendatangkan penat lelah :D

        Wednesday, April 14, 2010

        Post Midterm is Over..'s over alright..and guess what..I just found out my killer subjects..
        memang rasa macam ape tah bila takpat jawap tu..macam tak belajar pape langsung..actually I'm still a bit depressed with today's paper

        however..someone managed to cheer me up..hahaha..a good friend of mine that knows best the condition that I'm in..and not to forget my's Skype-ing felt really good..hahhaa
        then arguing with my little brother..(little no more, he is currently in form 4)

        I'm not in a mood to write a long talk..I end this with a conclusion..
        I need to struggle for those 2; which is biochemistry and histology..cause they are my killer subjects!

        Monday, April 12, 2010


        2 more to I'm really not into mind is all set for the final, I may have answered the 2 previous papers half heart-ed..

        aish..I don't many things to worry at the same time...

        I'll try my best to keep smiling :)

        Saturday, April 10, 2010

        Post Mid Mood..

        1st paper of the post midterm already comment bout it though..I've tried my best..that's all..

        my fever has started to wear's a good sign that my antibodies are working fine.. (keep it up guys.. :) )

        coming up next is anatomy..I'm really not ready to face it..huuU~
        wish me luck..

        Wednesday, April 7, 2010

        Amino acids..

        Sebagai bantuan..doa ler demam ni cpat kebah ye.. :P

        Demam periksa & demam betul...

        arini dah ari ke 3 demam..demam yg mnyebabkan mood sampai takde untuk post dlm B.I mcm biasa..hahaha..

        masih tak tau lagi punca demam ni..maybe sebab makan ais krim kat Berlant kt Gala'..pape pun thanks kepada si pembelanja..ais krim 2 l.e tu memang cukup bermakna..sampai demam-demam.. :P

        Sabtu ni dah exam pulak..buat masa ni demam betul ni yg predominant..(predominant?..)..ok-ok..pape pun doa-doa la cepat sembuh..skang ni nak buat MCQ pun sparuh ati je..sedeh betul..buat sikit je..lepas tu pikir macam-macam..padahal takde kaitan pun..

        so, itula minda seorang yang demam.. :)

        Saturday, April 3, 2010

        a warm welcome from Mr. Summer... :)

        after a while living with heavy over-clothes and sleeping underneath miss Saratoga (me lovely winter blanket..haha..), finally I can wish goodbye to both of them..

        looking at the park I can see some of the flowers beginning to bend and wither, poor guy..but we'll meet again next spring..insyaAllah

        there will be no rain in about 3-4 months onward, and Fata Morgana is commonly see..with temperature reaching 40 degrees Celsius, most prefer to stay under shade till dawn..  

        um..but, a warm welcome also means a serious business to me & rakan2 yang lain..because it's a sign that it is almost the time for the final exam!!..ya Allah, cepat jer masa blajar ni...

        meaning..bukan je berpeluh sbab panasnya summer ni, but also from the anxiety; a.k.a exam fever..hmm..setiap celah buku dah diselak, setiap helaian dah diteliti..

         best kan kalo camni?..(.... nak ngarut-ngarut tunggu lpas exam ler...)

        so, the conclusion here is, do wish me luck, and best of luck to all you people out there :)

        Friday, April 2, 2010


        a little girl with Bell's palsy (kesian budak cute ni..)

        • paralysis of a body part, commonly accompanied by loss of sensation and uncontrolled body movement.

        Est-ce la Fin?..

        I felt so miserable after found out that my name is not on the list for the JPA's scholarship..

        and what really saddens me that it made my mom lost of words..that 2-3 seconds of gap fills me with a whole bunch of guiltiness..I feel like I'm a burden..

        now I know what I must do..I'll have to work harder so I can finally strip away this feeling...

        Wednesday, March 31, 2010

        Quote of the day

        It's true..
        life is not always pretty,
        ....why don't you try to decorate it?

        untuk yang berputus asa, Allah-lah tempatnya,
        untuk yang sunyi, sahabat yang baik penemannya,
        untuk yang sedih, kisah dari Quran-lah penenang hatinya

        p/s: thanks to your french status zaza :)

        Tuesday, March 30, 2010

        farewell me ol' cycle..

        I'm turning to a new leaf, so that I can prepare myself fully with the upcoming exam..this is the 2nd night where my sleeping time is greatly reduced..from 6 hrs to 3 hrs..(talk about how big my eye-bag will be..hahaha)

        I'm still gonna cling on to a cup of caffeine for another few nights before my body finally can coop up with these sudden change..

        and that's it..say hello to my new circadian cycle~

        p/s: melatonin ceased to be secreted at 2.00am, now now..what are the other reasons that keep us from tahajud-ing?

        Sunday, March 28, 2010

        Migrain oh migrain II..

        after living a peaceful life without it..(about a month..) finally it returns..

        It happens at the mid of the evening histology class, and I don't really what caused it..but it really distracted my attention to the class..actually dulu dah biasa dah kena migrain ni..tapi maybe because of it's month-long dormant period, today's attack really hurts my head..

        it almost caused me to lose my mood..well, if the mood is gone, so will I..(ponteng ler..hahahaha..), but alhamdulillah, I managed to not to skip the next class..

        so now, my head is all normal and well, gotta prepare dinner :)

        p/s: syukur ye bagi yang masih sihat-sihat tu :)

        Thursday, March 25, 2010

        Let's Flashback!...

        It's been a while since my last post..(it's only about 2 days, you blog-freak~)..haha..anyway..after I just awakened from my mid noon nap..suddenly I remembered the exact same moment when I just arrived in Egypt.

        Since matriculation..I was certain that I'm not a home-loving type (homesick la tu..hehe) but I really don't know why I keep dreaming home..especially during a mid noon nap..

        in that dream, I was so excited to get back home..meeting my family and some old friends..and that short dream always made me woke up in a sigh..hahahaha

        Well, that's last more dreams like that one nowadays..maybe because I'm already to get used to Egypt :)

        Tuesday, March 23, 2010


        • Greek word, means hardening
        • examples:
        1. artherosclerosis
        2. arteriosclerosis


        • serious loss of cognitive ability
        • due to unique global brain injury, or progressive damage or diseases
        • the effected areas maybe:
        1. memory
        2. attention
        3. language
        4. problem solving

        N73 ku sayang..

        during today's midday break..I decided to make a call..but something feels off from the usual..every time I hit some particular keys on the keypad, the memory card seems as if it was jacked off from it's slot..I get so fed up when my phone suddenly changed theme again and again..

        so I threw it away..(just kidding..saje nak buat cita ni lagi menarik..hahaha)
        then, I decided to take a look, berpandukan cahaya matahari yang bersinar lebih dari biasa hari ni..when I see a slight reflection from the slot, I was like "oh..for God sake, am I that clumsy?.."

        the slot is already rusted..sedeh, and then terus flashback balik..and after a while..I remembered the time when my phone took a dip into the salt water..hahaha (trip Matruh last summer)..

        Aha!..that's why it became like this!'s not my fault entirely..hahaha..lumut kat Hamam Cleopatra tu yang salah!

        ni la hamam yg meragut keupayaan memory slot ku...huhu

        ni lah dia cik Cleo kita yang memilih tandas di Matruh..hehe

        p/s: jangan tiru macam saya..menyalahkan benda laen pulak..sepatutnya salahkan diri sendiri :P

        Monday, March 22, 2010

        Quote of the day

        be thankful if you lost something,
        it means you have something worthy of possession.

        some of us never even had the chance of possessing,
        they continue to wander in wonder

        Sunday, March 21, 2010

        Think.. :)

        Log book frenzy !..

        I am so not comfortable..still got many things to do before I can start focusing on the text books..such an annoyance..huu~

        ade banyak lagi soklan dalam buku praktikal yg incomplete lagi, so many works and so little time..
        but I have to be calm and cool..(kalo tak nanti tak macho la..hahaaha)

        Whatever the situations are,
        no problem insyaAllah..I'll just have to face them all head on!
        better suffer now than regret later..(eh, another quote la.. :P )

        and now the pencils all sharp..let's move on..


        • latin word for growth or formation of a particular type
        • examples:
        1. hyperplasia
        2. achondroplasia
        3. dysplasia

        Saturday, March 20, 2010

        Are we there yet?...

        I thought it is almost summer; just as same as the last year..but the weather is getting chiller day by is hardly to see it as a spring; I'd say winter-like spring :)

        His blessing 2-3 days ago really did bring the temperature down to the ground..and it is really depressing for not be able to come out of bed, keeping self warm underneath the blanket (actually it feels kinda nice..hahaha)

        I hope Mr. Sunshine will come greet us again soon..(mintak-mintak la, sejuk ni weh..), and kisses goodbye to my dear Saratoga (the blanket that was always loyal to me..never wanted to let me go, or is it the opposite??..haha)

        Friday, March 19, 2010


        • pathos - Greek word for suffering
        • could also means diseases or progressive damage
        • examples: 
        1. cardiomyopathy
        2. osteochondropathy
        3. dorsopathy
        4. leukoencephalopathy

        Tonite tonite...

        tonight is gonna be one of my biggest night, as I, finally can declare myself as a senior..( never feel like one before this..haha..)

        this is my 3rd time I think; talking in the spectators are the juniors..I'm so nervous and worried (..wondering if I'm gonna be able to continue keeping myself low or not)..

        hopefully tonight is gonna be a great night..insyaAllah :)

        Thursday, March 18, 2010


        • a common chronic neurological disorder
        • characterized by unprovoked seizures; due to irregular, excessive synchronous neuronal activity

        Quote of the day

        a good future isn't yours,
        if you do not plan for tomorrow,
        if you do not cherish the present,
        if you do not progress from yesterday

        Migrain oh migrain..

        rasanye ni 1st time kot post dalam bahasa..haha..tapi riso pulak kalo type banyak sangat..(as you can see, my english vocabulary is very very limited..)

        So, seperti yang dinyatakan di atas..migrain sudah pun kembali..even dia belum menjengah ke cerebral hemisphere ku..tapi dah ade la beberape tande-tande yang dia cakap "aku nak mai dah ni"..

        Actually da lame jugak tak kena migrain ni..ade la dalam 3 minggu..unknown cause..yang pasti Allah dah bagi nikmat sihat..syukur..banyak kerja yang dapat di-settle-kan (perosak bahasa sungguh jejaka ini..)

        Uik..(ilham sampai)..Tiba-tiba dapat idea nak bela kucing jugak..mana la tau makhluk Allah itu boleh meredakan migraine ni..haha..tengok En. Fahmi sekeluarga macam bahagia je di samping 2 anak kucing yang baru dibeli tak sampai seminggu; Bella dan Poci..

        Papepun takmo la bela kucing..susah pulak andai balik Malaysia, bengkok jugak la kalo nak usung kucing back and forth (haha..seronok kan berbahasa campur..semakin sengal blog ini..)

        hmm..tu je kot for now..nite~ :) 

        Wednesday, March 17, 2010

        2 Rabi' ul-Akhir..

        I was born on this day...
        and today I'm officially 21 years old..
        alhamdulillah :)

        the Don't....

        I may look calm (perasan..), but I'm a normal human too..I have a rough part; some particular attitude, even slightly would cause me to lose my cool..maybe because I was once a short-tempered person..

        I really hoped whoever reads the don't..will not do the don't..
        and these are the don't:

        • This is the only point that I felt really really not worth to be considered; WAITING. 5 minutes of waiting is enough to make me feel pissed. Don't be mad at me if something happened between you and my alter-ego...haha
        • In any place and space of this 3 dimensional world, never ask, "we just arrived, so what to do next?". I'm not an outgoing type, if you want to go out with me, plan the whole event. If not, I'll just take my leave.
        • Never call me by weird names, even if that name is a compliment. And if I did responded to those name, keep in mind: I respond so that I can curse you more..haha
        • Leave me alone when I said "Enough..", that's the final warning before you cast your own jinx.
        • Never force me to make a quick decision. decision needs a piece of mind, not a piece of word just to satisfy you.

          that's all for now..I think..I'll add some more later on :)

          Monday, March 15, 2010

          Fear and anxiety..

          the final exam schedule has just been distributed all over Mansoura..and somehow it fills my body trembles with delirium..from that day, I keep trying to stay awake as many hours as possible..not to mention the amount of caffeine I took (alhamdulillah it's been a while since the last migraine's attack)..

          that's one of the reason I decided to stop attending lecture..I am so not ready (..if my mom founds out about this, I'm gonna be a roast duck for sure..hahaha..)

          so..I think this blog is gonna be alone for a while..sorry dear viewer.. :p
          insyaAllah till the promised day (promised day..??...)..I'm gonna work extra more time to waste, no more games to play, and no more space to feel comfort..

          ~wish me luck... :)

          Friday, March 12, 2010

          Quote of the day

          critics are your stepping stones,
          not your quicksand pit.

          Wednesday, March 10, 2010

          two happy faces..

 days of dullness end in an instant..

          this is all thanks to them..I'm really glad that both of them love the present..I never thought their response would be so positive..and with them happy, I am happy too :) ..

          and now,
          I feel just like having a new soul in the same body..somehow this joy overrides my makes me feel rejuvenate..I see a clearer path in front of more haze and dust..

          Monday, March 8, 2010

          Holy crap!....

          guess what..
          this month bills almost exceed 450 l.e!!
          and most of the sum is thank to the electric usage..
          how can 4 laptop can produce that much of watt??..
          ya Allah...are we being deceived?..

          may Allah bless them..and may they atone for what they did..
          hopefully this will be the first and the last time..

          Sunday, March 7, 2010

          I'm a spoiled brat..

          last week..I said to myself..
          "minggu ni takpe kot rehat-rehat"

          but, this 'rehat-rehat' thingy demanded more than just a week; another week..
          and now, I'm a spoiled brat..

          got to plan something before this week share the same fate as the last one... 

          Quote of the day

          A world with no faith is a world without hope

          Saturday, March 6, 2010

          Yesterday was a wonderful day :)

          you know what..after leaving it for more than 2 years..I finally had the chance to play it again for one more time..and I really cherish yesterday's moments..

          I'm not very good at playing sports that focused on the legs and feet control..but alhamdulillah I have plenty more sports that I'm good at (poyo jer..) which is more focused on hand-to-hand control.. :)

          I really hoped that there is gonna be another time where I can have more volleyball enjoyment :)

          Thursday, March 4, 2010

          Is it always has to be like this??..

          hahaha..sometimes I just feel fed up; every Thursday, after the last lecture finished at 4.00pm..I felt really worn out..even today is also the same..

          Am I that weak?..

          Wednesday, March 3, 2010

          they are so complicated..

          Arabs..hahaha..I can never understand them..
          yesterday, my landlord suddenly decided to cut off the a result, I was forced (not really :P) to use my old buddy; eBuddy..

          The cause for the cut is still unknown..whatever..on the same night, I turned back to wi-fi..and in the meantime it is st ill working..

          FYI..this is the fourth time..hahaha
          from cable to wi-fi, then cable again and now, wi-fi again..
          this is a life.. :P

          Monday, March 1, 2010

          Just want to share..

          it's been a month since the 1st time I heard this song..and it still echoes in my ears :D

          Quote of the day

          Intelligent men never had enough in anything he did,
          average men had enough after some deeds
          Dummies had enough doing nothing

          P/S: pesan imam Syafie, takbir 4 kali kat orang tersebut... :)

          an egypt-o-english scene...

          hehe..I heard this during the evening lecture..
          and it's so funny even now..and it is so simple..

          there is a guy who just came from Egypt to enjoy some time in England..then
          He went to a you can see, halal food is scarce..
          so he decided to dine in seafood..
          and by the time a waiter came to take the orders..he asked

          "what do you want to eat?"
          "I want to eat CRAP.." (he meant crab)

          P/S: I changed the story a bit from the actual event..but using the same words..haha

          Sunday, February 28, 2010

          A tough shell with a weak core..

          I may act tough..but deep inside this still delicate and fragile..
          I might be able keep standing straight after being insulted or cursed..
          but I really couldn't stand having a sore in the tie of friendship..
          I really hoped that one day..we can be friend again..

          p/s: hehehe..finally something really 'deep' has come out to be logged into this blog :P

          Saturday, February 27, 2010

          Quote of the day

          Life is not fair
          so, deal with it..

          this world is not a best place to feel fair,
          if you want it so badly,
          do your best,
          and wait till the afterlife comes,
          that's where the best fairness available..


          Today's greatest achievement.. :)


          Just want to say..I am so is the first day of the second term that, I did not fell asleep during the lecture period..alhamdulillah

          today's schedule is very packed yet I still managed to keep awake till the very last second..haha

          Is this the effect of my tai chi training??.. :P
          only Allah knows better..but I'm still glad that I did improved..haha

          Friday, February 26, 2010

          What is happening to me?..

          if a week of my life is a novel..maybe this is the part where there are many conflicts occurred..a plot near climax..hmmm

          yesterday..right after the no..even before the start of the Thursday class..i felt somewhat at ease and finally end up with no mood to pick a book at all..

          ya Allah..what is happening to is the second day without books..i filled up all my afternoon with nap..

          so i made a conclusion of today's events..whenever I'm at ease, I'll be damned for sure..

          i must say i'm really sad of myself..

          p/s: If Saiyeddna Muhammad (peace be upon him) met me like this, I'm sure he'll cries out for a healthy guy like me finishing his weekend sleeping all day..

          Quote of the day

          If you said the limit is the cloud, then that's your limit
          If you said the limit is the sky, then that's your limit
          If you said the limit is the star, then that's your limit
          whoever you are, your limit is bounded by you..

          Wednesday, February 24, 2010

          I'm blogging!


          first of all..I'm not quite sure what am I feeling..a feeling of finally having a blog of my own..

          okay..just pray that this blog will never keep me away from my studies because I have a long way to go; not just for a place in this world..but also a place in the afterlife.. :)